Having a funeral insurance is essential so that in the most difficult moments your family has the necessary support. With the Sanitas and Santa Lucía funeral insurance you will get the best guarantees anywhere in the world.

Funeral Insurance

With additional coverage for the care of your family.

1. Customizable
All services are customizable depending on the characteristics and existing customs, both in the place of death and in the place of burial or incineration.

2. Assistance
This funeral insurance has a series of guarantees that will help the whole family in unforeseen situations: childcare insurance for children under 7 years of age, psychological care, national and international transfers, procedures to obtain certificates and cancellations, extrajudicial advice for procedures related to insurance, inheritance, financial products or leasing contracts.

3. For all ages
The Sanitas funeral insurance offers different coverages depending on the age of the insured. In this way, the whole family can be included in the same policy, since there is an insurance adapted to each member of the family that evolves at the same time as their age.

4. Optional coverages
To protect your loved ones against any unforeseen event, with the Sanitas and Santa Lucía death insurance you can count on optional services such as comprehensive legal protection, travel assistance both in Spain and abroad or assistance to residents in Spain who want the service funeral is rendered in their country of origin.

5. No surprises
We only include the services that you and your family need, being able to configure additional ones if desired. You can contract up to 70 years for family policies and 65 years for individual ones and there is no maximum age of permanence.

Do you need to set up your own private health insurance?

Well, we are more than ready to serve you. Request a free quote for a health insurance policy that suits your lifestyle.


The information provided by this means cannot, in any way, replace a direct medical attention service, nor should it be used for the purpose of establishing a diagnosis, or choosing a treatment in particular cases.

In this service no recommendation, explicit or implicit, will be made about drugs, techniques, products, etc … which will be cited for informational purposes only.

The use of this service is carried out under the sole responsibility of the users.



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