Premium 500.000

Reimbursement insurance with greater coverage.

Go to the specialists of your choice anywhere in the world, even if they are not on our medical chart.

Additional cover:

  • 90% reimbursement on costs (limit €500,000)
  • 50% reimbursement on pharmacy costs (limit €300)
  • Dental with 80% reimbursement (limit €400/year) (only applicable to treatments carried out by providers on the medical chart).
  • Allowance for hospitalisation of €69/day (allowance up to 90 days/year, provided that the expenses are generated outside the Sanitas medical chart).
  • Cover in the USA with access to major appointed centres in the country
  • Death cover: payment of the premium fo 12 months in case of death of the policyholder

Cover included in Premium 500,000

Premium 500,000: Complete Health Insurance with Reimbursement

S Premium 500,000 is a health insurance with a large reimbursement limit that allows access to our medical network at no cost and also access to any center or doctor of your choice in Spain or the rest of the world, reimbursing you the 90% of the expenses generated if they do not belong to our medical network. All this, without having to pay any type of copayment.

What does it mean with full reimbursement health insurance?

Reimbursement coverage will allow you to choose the doctor you want, both in Spain and worldwide, even if it is not in our medical chart, with the reimbursement of expenses.

In this way, you would have to pay the services of others and our health insurance company returns a percentage of the expenses, presenting the invoice of the service, and within the economic limit of the product.

What does this medical insurance cover?

S PREMIUM 500,000 is a complete health care insurance:

  • Primary Care: General medicine, paediatrics, nursing assistance, emergency services…
  • Access to all specialities without restrictions: Cardiology, dermatology, endocrinology, orthopaedic traumatology, gynaecology, ophthalmology, oncology, psychiatry…
  • Diagnostic tests: Clinical tests, ultrasound scans, x-rays, MRI scans, endoscopies, scanning…
  • Therapeutic methods: Rehabilitation sessions, oncological treatments, respiratory therapies, speech-language therapy sessions, lithotripsy, radiotherapy…
  • Surgical operations: whether or nor it requires a stay in hospital.
  • Hospitalisation.
  • Dental Cover: 30 services included and 21% discount on all other dental treatments.

Exclusive Benefits included

  • Reimbursement of 90% of expenses and a cap of €500.000
  • Dental reimbursement: 80€ and a cap of €400/year. The reimbursement will ony be applicable to treatments carried out by providers on the Sanitas apointed medical chart.
  • Pharmacy reimbursement: 50% with a cap of €300/year
  • Hospitalisation subsidy: daily compensation per day in hospital €69/day
  • Access to the network of major appointed centres in the USA.
  • Dental cover: payment of the premium for 12 months

As full reimbursement medical insurance, S Premium 500,000 offers all the necessary medical assistance coverage in case of illness or accidents, providing all the necessary means for diagnosis and treatment, in addition to the free choice of specialist.

Contract conditions for S Premium 500,000

Waiting Periods

The waiting periods indicate the time that has to elapse between the discharge in the medical insurance and the possibility of using certain services. Only the following services have waiting periods:

Outpatient surgical operations 3 months
High-tech diagnostic tests 6 months
Psychology 6 months
Childbirth or Caesarean 8 months
The following complex therapeutic methods: interventional cardiology, haemodynamics, interventional radiology, radiotherapy, chemotherapy and lithotripsy. 10 months
Tubal ligation and vasectomy 10 months
Hospitalisation and non-outpatient system surgical operations. 10 months

And if you already have health insurance with a competitor, all waiting periods are eliminated except the one corresponding to childbirth.

Maximum age at inception date

The maximum age for purchasing this product: 64 years.

Cover age limit

There is no cover age limit.


Discount due to payment method 4% annually


This product does not have co-payments or extra costs in addition to the monthly premium.


My name is Mari Carmen, your Agent for a Personal Health Insurance in Spain

sanitas health insurance spain

You can contact us

Cellular +34 649 07 24 17

Office +34 952 383127

Opening hours:
Monday to Friday
from 10 – 14 h

I speak Spanish, German and English

Get your personal quote

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“If you have any questions regarding the best health insurance that fits your need and requirements please feel free to contact us, we speak Spanish, German and English”

Mari Carmen Pinto

Tel. +34 649 07 24 17

Very easy process of getting a Private Health Insurance in Spain. Application form and documentation can be provided in english.

The prices of the Health Insurance vary depending on the age. We offer fully coverage from 0 – 75 years and basic plans with no age limit.

Just provide us with the ages of those who need cover and we will send you a no-binding quotation to your email address.

Best health insurance options for expats or international residents that are retired, working or studying in Spain.

The site belongs to the official agent #20872 based in Torremolinos (Málaga).

We are leading the way in making private health insurance in Spain more user friendly to the expat community.

We’re pride on giving an excellent after sales service which is why our customer base is growing daily.

It is very simple to apply for a quote and the application can all be done in English. We can have you covered quickly regardless of where you are in Spain.

Applying and obtaining Health insurance in Spain has never been easier.

You can visit us:

Calle Hoyo, 41
29620 Torremolinos (Malaga)



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