As usual, working as a self-employed expat in Spain has its own merits and demerits.

Most people are taking advantage of the advancement of modern technology to venture into self-employment.

The country’s sunny climate, friendly inhabitants, lower cost of living, and a reliable transport system are all a turn on for many expatriates.

Generally; Spain has one of the largest numbers of autonomos in Europe. In order to spice up your autonomo’s life in Spain easier, Therefore, our Health Insurance in Spain has prepared a credible guideline on your obligations as a self-employed resident below:

Obligations of Autonomos in Spain

1. Register with relevant Spanish authorities

For a stress-free life as autonomo, you’ll need to register whatever you do with the relevant Spanish authorities.

Those eligible for registration have to be over the age of 18 years before venturing into any commercial activity. Autonomos have to register with HACIENDA the no-nonsense Spanish tax agency, and Social Security Agency.

On-EU members are required to apply for work permits to be allowed to carry out their professions or business activities.


2. Contribute towards social security contributions

All autonomos are always advised to contribute towards their social security after acquiring their NIE number.

Contributions are faithfully done on a monthly basis without negotiation subject to some exceptions. The set minimum National insurance contribution amount is around € 275 per month depending on your current age.

Your social security contributions make you eligible for a pension, mortgage, and public health facilities access among others.


3. Be a faithful Taxpayer

All autonomos are expected to pay their taxes to Hacienda without failure.

For your own convenience, consider obliging to the Spanish tax requirements by filing quarterly reports and tax payments on time, present your IVA account balance and pay retenciones to Hacienda as required by law.


4. Submit Annual Reports

As autonomos, you’re required by law to submit annual reports or declaraciones such as;

  • RENTA (Income Tax Return)
  • Report on Rentals. (Form 190)
  • Summary of IVA (Form 390)
  • Report on overseas suppliers or clients within the EU) (form 349) among others.

In conclusion; autonomos should also fulfill other administrative obligations including book-keeping, invoice issuance within 30 days after product/service delivery and keep documents for the required 5 years period.

Looking for the best private health insurance provider in Spain? Look no more, our Health Insurance Spain is the perfect partner you’ve been looking for all along.



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