Access Sanitas most digital cover and most exclusive home services.

The bluaU digital add-on incorporates every digital advantage and is the ideal option for any customres who are interested in going further in caring for their health.

  • Video consultation with your specialists
  • Video consultations for 24-hour emergencies with acess without an appointment
  • Prevention programmes with specialised consultants connected via video consultations: sports, nutrition or psychology
  • 50% reimbursement on your pharmacy costs, up to 200€/year
  • Home delivery of medicines from the pharmacy (6 services per insured and year)
  • Home testing (2 services per insured and year)
  • Vital sign measurement
  • Monitor your health: Connected health
Terms and conditions
  • Waiting periods: you can avail of it from day one
  • Health questionnaire: will not be required in order to purchase.
  • Age: 0-75 years.
  • Purchase: individual, not mandatory for all members of the policy.
  • Purchasable any time.

The monthly premiums for this add-on are:

One insured: +10€

Total family premium (2 or more insureds): +20€




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